Our experienced team will assist you in determining the level of compensation you are entitled to under the scheme as well as collate all evidence in support of your Application to ensure you receive the maximum award.
Victims of Crime Assistance Lawyers in Melbourne
Victims of Crime Assistance is a Victorian Government funded scheme to assist victims recover from a physical and/or psychological injury as a result of a violent crime.
Examples of ACTS OF VIOLENCE that are claimable by Application to the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) include but are not limited to the following offences:
Armed Robbery
Aggravated Burglary
Sexual assault / childhood sexual abuse
Domestic violence
Deprivation of liberty
Threats to harm or kill
Attempted Murder
Dangerous or culpable driving
Conduct endangering life
Our dedicated and experienced team will assist you in determining the level of COMPENSATION you are entitled to under the scheme as well as collate all evidence in support of your Application to ensure you receive the maximum award. You can rest assured that your Application is in the right hands.
VOCAT recognises that applying for COMPENSATION can be both time consuming and a complicated process for those without legal expertise. For this reason, THE TRIBUNAL WILL PAY THE LEGAL FEES YOU INCUR when making a claim. You are not required to pay for our assistance.
By way of summary, VOCAT can award between $100 and $10,000 as a lump sum payment for physical and/or psychological injury sustained as a result of the crime.
PLUS up to $60,000 for:
Medical, dental or psychological treatment
Safety related expenses such as a CCTV system or alarm system
Damage or loss to clothing worn during the crime
Other expenses required to assist in your recovery in exceptional circumstances
Up to $20,000.00 in replacement wages if you are unable to work as a result of your injuries
If a loved one has died as a result of a violent crime against them, VOCAT can award up to $100,000 to be shared between family members.
These funds can be awarded for:
Funeral expenses
Counselling expenses
Medical expenses
Further information about Victims of Crime Compensation is set out in our article below.
Article – Applications for Victims of Crime Compensation
Schembri + McCluskys can also assist victims of crime to obtain compensation for injuries directly from the offender. Assets belonging to the offender can be identified and restrained which provides peace of mind to the victim that any order for COMPENSATION that is received is secured. These types of applications for compensation or damages are not made at the Victims of Crime Tribunal. They are made pursuant the Sentencing Act and are heard in either the Supreme, County or Magistrates’ Courts. Our service is not free or paid for by Government in these matters, however, we are open to discuss acting for you on a NO WIN NO FEE basis. Further information about Sentencing Act Applications are set out in the article below.
Article – Applications pursuant to section 85B of the Sentencing Act.
Please contact our team to make an appointment to discuss making an Application for Compensation, bearing in mind, there is NO COST TO YOU to do so. Alternatively, complete the online form and a member of our staff will contact you within 24 hours.
Useful Victims of Crime websites
Anita Plesa
Nicole Harris
Diedree Attard